Apartment Association - California Southern Cities
The purpose of the Apartment Association, California Southern Cities, is to promote, protect, and enhance the rental housing industry and to preserve private property rights. Covering all of the Los Angeles and Orange Counties, its service area extends as far North as San Louis Obispo, as far East as San Bernardino County, and as far South as San Diego. We are focused on providing smart approaches and opportunities for growth while promoting compliant, safe, and well-managed rental housing for all.
Mark Your Calendar
- THURSDAY, DEC 15th 2022.
- 6:30pm - 8:30pm
- The Grand Ballroom 4101 E Willow St. Long Beach CA
- live Jazz Band
- Hosted Food and Beverages
- Outdoor Heated Patio
Please Bring a New Unwrapped Toy for the children of Interval House. ($25+ of value or more)
Apartment Journal for NOV. 2022
AACSC Official California Apartment Journal for November 2022.